Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Know This Familiar Road

A Pale Restless

Let me taste the heat and thunder
of your imaginings
Let me stir beneath your hands.
Let the seasons render
our fevered covenants.

Let me arc in circles to your touch.
Like a dreamlock...undone.
Let me, for a time, burn deep in
the ripest flame you hold.
And not permit the years.

Allow me the gathering of memories,
your pale and blond breeze against my cheek and
I'll turn the doorknob,
your voice now
in the

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In the FireDeep, Dresden 1945

In the FireDeep, Dresden 1945

Still were the angels that night
V formations a seizure, a ravage
above smoke, shadow
shimmered hook and nail
spur and clutch

Just slim miles beneath heaven
swam seventeens gathered so deep to
Dresden's breast, so black as day
that Norden sights grinned their
nightshade and guile
lyric and wound

Yet, while your Eighth spoke the grin of weapons
a great plunge, with tailored toys, fell from the bellies of
four engined dragon flies
my Dresden burned days, then nights...
